MobileDDL is a mobile community site allows member's to share their mobile contents including mobile games, mobile themes, mobile software, ringtones & videos. To join our community, all you need is a free account! Just register an account with us, confirm your email addresses and you are ready to enjoy all features as a Mobileddl members! We want to keep everything simple, clean, useful and as easy to use as possible. We'll continuously improve our site with new design, new feature and new idea, but we know we can't do it without your help! If you have great idea or suggestion, don't hesitate to tell us! If you like our site, recommend it to your friends, post it on your website or any social networking website you have account with!
Server down error has became a major problem on our site, we want to let you know that we do realized such problem. Our statistics have shown us that some time in a day our site traffics exceeded 200 online visitors. This hasn't been seen in the last few month, I guess it's a good news for us, but not so for our members. User's keep receiving connection errors when downloading & uploading. We are really sorry about it.
Please understand that our site is being hosted on shared hosting, that's mean that there are probably hundreds' of site sharing on one server resources. As we have mentioned before, there's a 200 concurrent connection limit on our shared hosting, so it's not surprise to keep seeing our server going down. It's bad for our growth, I'm sure it turned off both new visitors and our members. We are trying our best to fix the problem, but the best solution is to change our server to VPS which we can't afford at the moment. It's a very hefty fees for
If you ever receive an error page, please wait for a few minutes and try it again. We'll try to improve the code to tune down the use of server resource. And hopefully, we can afford to switch to a better server very soon. As always, thanks for your support!
It has been a while since we have any updates on the site. We're still planning some sort of upgrades in coming months, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. In the mean time, we re-structured the categories mainly the themes section. Searching for mobile themes is not too difficult before, but as the amount of themes increases each day, we found it harder and harder to find a themes for specific screen resolution phone. Thus, we separate the screen resolution for each brand to make it easier to browse. Since the categories has been changed, most of the current themes are not in its right category at the moment. We'll try to sort them all out in the right category little by little every day, it's a lot of work and it'd probably takes months before we can arrange them all.
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